*Scroll to the bottom of this page for a list of frequently asked questions about AIG.*
AIG Identification Process
Reciprocity: If a students comes from another district with AIG identification we are able to honor and accept this through our reciprocity opportunity. We just need official documentation stating that the student was identified as gifted and was participating in AIG groups. Let the AIG teachers know and send in any relevant paperwork that states your student was identified as AIG in the district they came from.
Outside Psychological Testing: If a parent has outside testing results that are current we might be able to use them in the identification process. Contact the AIG teachers and let them know you have testing from a licensed doctor and would like to share it. We don't accept all tests, but we can definitely look into what you have and determine if we are able to use it. The county has a specific list of tests we are able to accept.
K-2 Parents: Identification in the early grades is not typical. If a student does go through the process it is a portfolio process that involves collecting all relevant data on the students. Click HERE to access specific information regarding K-2 identification. Please contact your general education teacher or the AIG teachers if you have further questions.
3rd Grade Parents: All 3rd graders go through the initial AIG identification process. This occurs during the first two quarters of third grade. All third graders take the CogAT assessments. Based on these results students are nominated to take the Iowa assessments. Students who score in the 85th percentile or higher somewhere on the CogAT are automatically eligible to take the Iowa assessments. Students who did not score in the 85th percentile or higher are still eligible, they just need to be nominated. Parents and teachers are able to nominate a student to take the Iowa assessments. A parent nomination needs to communicated to the general education teacher and the AIG teachers. Click and HERE for more information regarding 3rd grade Explorers and HERE for information from open house.
4th & 5th Grade Parents: Students in grades 4 and 5 are nominated by teachers and/or parents for AIG evaluation. Parents and teachers are able to nominate students for referral to the School Based Committee for Gifted Education. All nominations must be received in writing by the nomination deadline. Not all nominated students are referred for testing. All relevant student data is discussed and the School Based Committee for Gifted Education decides whether testing is appropriate. Contact your general education teacher and/or the AIG teachers with any questions. Click HERE to see the current dates for the nomination windows and the testing windows.
Any Parent Who Is Seeking Information: Click HERE to visit the documents page to access parent letters, parent brochures, and other important AIG documents.
Outside Psychological Testing: If a parent has outside testing results that are current we might be able to use them in the identification process. Contact the AIG teachers and let them know you have testing from a licensed doctor and would like to share it. We don't accept all tests, but we can definitely look into what you have and determine if we are able to use it. The county has a specific list of tests we are able to accept.
K-2 Parents: Identification in the early grades is not typical. If a student does go through the process it is a portfolio process that involves collecting all relevant data on the students. Click HERE to access specific information regarding K-2 identification. Please contact your general education teacher or the AIG teachers if you have further questions.
3rd Grade Parents: All 3rd graders go through the initial AIG identification process. This occurs during the first two quarters of third grade. All third graders take the CogAT assessments. Based on these results students are nominated to take the Iowa assessments. Students who score in the 85th percentile or higher somewhere on the CogAT are automatically eligible to take the Iowa assessments. Students who did not score in the 85th percentile or higher are still eligible, they just need to be nominated. Parents and teachers are able to nominate a student to take the Iowa assessments. A parent nomination needs to communicated to the general education teacher and the AIG teachers. Click and HERE for more information regarding 3rd grade Explorers and HERE for information from open house.
4th & 5th Grade Parents: Students in grades 4 and 5 are nominated by teachers and/or parents for AIG evaluation. Parents and teachers are able to nominate students for referral to the School Based Committee for Gifted Education. All nominations must be received in writing by the nomination deadline. Not all nominated students are referred for testing. All relevant student data is discussed and the School Based Committee for Gifted Education decides whether testing is appropriate. Contact your general education teacher and/or the AIG teachers with any questions. Click HERE to see the current dates for the nomination windows and the testing windows.
Any Parent Who Is Seeking Information: Click HERE to visit the documents page to access parent letters, parent brochures, and other important AIG documents.
Identification Process
Written NOminationParents, teachers, or students submit (in writing) a nomination to the School Based Committee for Gifted Education by the nomination deadline. There is not a designated form for nominations. Just send a note to your general education teacher telling them you would like your student to be considered for AIG evaluation.
AIG Evaluation
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Does my AIG student only receive enrichment and extensions in their general education classroom?
A: NO! All students at OCE receive enrichments and extensions in their general education classroom when appropriate. When a student demonstrate mastery or the need for differentiation the classroom teachers work to meet those needs in their classrooms. Q: Can my AIG student still go through the MTSS process if they are struggling in their general education classroom? A: YES! Any student who is struggling at OCE is eligible to go through the MTSS process. ANY student who needs extra support to meet grade level expectations will receive interventions. It is not uncommon for AIG students to struggle at certain points during the school year. If a need arises for an intervention it will be put in place. Anything the students needs to be their most successful will be put in place. Q: If I nominate my student for AIG testing does this guarantee they will get tested? A: No. The School Based Committee for Gifted Education accepts the nomination and then go over any relevant student data. Using this data the SBCGE decides whether testing is appropriate. Q: Can the AIG teachers just test my child and tell me if they're AIG right away? A: No. All students must go through the identification process. Part of this process involves parent permission letters and multiple data points. Q: How often is my AIG student served? A: All AIG students receive 45 minutes/subject of direct AIG time with the AIG teacher each week. The AIG teacher collaborates with the classroom teachers in order to provide support to AIG students in the regular ed classroom. Q: Is AIG the only option for my highly capable student? A: No! SSA is another program offered by WCPSS. This program allows students to grade skip. They must meet the testing requirements. Students are tested for SSA each spring. Q: My student qualified for AIG. Is it required? A: No. Simply mark the NO box on the consent for services form when it comes home. Or, contact the AIG teacher and let them know what you want for your student ASAP. |
Q: If my child is identified when does service begin?
A: AIG services will begin as soon as all the paperwork has been completed by the school, district, teacher(s), and parents. Typically, this can take 2-4 weeks. Q: My student is in 3rd Grade Explorers - are they also AIG? A: No. 3rd Grade Explorers is a program offered to all third grade students. AIG is a different program for those who meet the gateways. Q: My AIG student is missing assignment and tests when they are in the AIG classrooms. What should I do? A: Contact your homeroom teacher or the AIG teacher ASAP. AIG students are not supposed to MISS any classroom work. Q: Will my AIG student get extra work now that they are in AIG? A: No! AIG students will receive additional instruction during their regular day. This will take the place of something in their general education classroom. The teachers will work together to provide the right amount of work and opportunities for each individual student. Q: Is there one test that determines AIG identification? A: No. There are multiple assessments given to students to determine their aptitude and intelligence abilities. As well as teacher and parent feedback surveys. Multiple data points are used to determine eligibility. Q: Who is on the SBCGE? A: Any teacher or support staff who is involved with the student being discussed is on our SBCGE team. When we bring a nomination to the team it's important we have any teacher who can speak to their abilities, motivations, work habits, and classroom behaviors. Q: My student did not qualify for AIG. When can they be tested again? A: Students can only be tested once every calendar year. However, it is not recommended they be tested multiple years in a row. |
Do you have a question you don't see the answer to? Email Miss Sheehan ([email protected]) your question so she can provide you with an accurate answer. Thank you!!